A SPECIAL committee of the North-Eastern Regional Council has been appointed to deal with air-raid distress fund cases in the area.

The object of the scheme is to award grants for education, training, apprenticeship, etc, for children of a parent or parents who have been killed or injured in enemy air raids and children, who, because of financial loss sustained by a parent by an enemy air-raid, are deprived of educational or other opportunities they might otherwise have enjoyed.


• THE effect of the war on the health of the community has been dealt with in various medical and other publications and while there is a general consensus of opinion that it has not been so adverse as might have been expected, the need for precautions is generally emphasised.

The question was commented upon by Dr J A Adams, medical officer for Norton, in his monthly report at Norton Urban Council on Monday.

He said there was a lot of general sickness, which was to be expected after four years of war, and he advised the public to take special care this winter, as the psychological effects of four years of strain were bound to lower one’s resistance and thus make a potential victim to any of the commoner winter complaints such as influenza.


• THE presentation of an inscribed silver christening mug from the pupils of Malton Grammar School for the infant son of the headmaster, Mr T A Williams, and Mrs Williams, formerly Miss Eleanor Orr, senior mistress, took place at the Grammar School on Wednesday. The presentation was made by the head girl Barbara Nicholls and was received by Mr Williams.


• A NOVEL circus given in a Pickering garden by a number of boys raised 16s6d for the Red Cross Fund. The programme included a tightrope walker, the trapeze, the great whipper and clowns.

There was some clever acting and much amusement was caused.


• WHAT must surely be a unique bag fell to Mr W Revis, of the Board Inn, Leavening, on Monday last.

In one of the fields of Manor Farm, he spotted a brown crow among the other birds and succeeded in shooting it.

The same crow had been observed some days previously and had excited some comment.

Its head is dark brown, and the feathers on the body are a much lighter shade, while the tips of the wings and tail are almost white.

It is a fine bird and Mr Revis hopes to have it stuffed.


At the cinema this week:

Castle, Pickering
The Immortal Sergeant with Henry Fonda and Maureen O’Hara

The Palace Theatre, Malton
How’s About It with The Andrews Sisters