DESPITE what we hear, political parties are not all the same, and their policies on animal issues are particularly diverse.

For example, the badger cull may be abandoned, continued in the two pilot zones or extended across the country depending on the outcome of the election. Similarly, the Hunting Act may be strengthened, remain as it is or be scrapped altogether, which would legalise fox- and hare-hunting again.

To animals in the wild, on farms, in laboratories and in our homes, it does make a very real difference which party comes to power. To help animal-lovers decide where to place their cross, Animal Aid has launched a new website,

Visitors can find out the parties’ animal-related policies, how their own MP has voted on key animal issues and what campaigns he or she has supported. They can contact their MP directly, and also find out who the nearest rival is. Please remember animals when you vote this May.

Kate Fowler, head of campaigns, Animal Aid