I refer to Robert Wainwright’s letter of March 18.

You can tell an election is upon us. For those who attended the Ryedale District Council open meeting at the Milton Rooms to witness the vote on Counciilor John Clark’s motion for a moratorium on fracking in Ryedale will know that Councillor Wainwright declined to support the proposed moratorium.

Under any translation, failure to support a moratorium on fracking means you are in support of fracking.

With Third Energy suggesting they plan up to 950 wells across Ryedale – that’s one every four miles – including a potential well on the outskirts of Hovingham and Nunnington, I am horrified that one of our councillors should write an open letter to your readers suggesting he is “shocked at the irreparable damage” that fracking would cause.

Yes, this is the same Coun Wainwright who supported fracking in the Ryedale District Council vote. Welcome to the elections.

Nicholas Burton, Nunnington