IS Al Capone in charge of the “brown bin tax collection” at Ryedale House?

In a recent article in the Gazette (June 25) it was stated that 41 per cent of households had subscribed to the scheme, generating a total of £268,000. The cost of the scheme for the collection of the entire district only came to £285,000.

What is even more worrying is that when an officer recommended the fee of £27, he expected 65 per cent of households not to take up the offer – and councillors agreed with him.

Questions must be asked. Are these fees extortionate? Look how much would have been collected if everybody paid. How many other “fees” are set with a take-up expecting 65 per cent not to pay? Let me make a suggestion, list all the services and let these all be discretionary. Do we need 30 councillors?

Get rid of 65 per cent of them – that would save at least £70,000 per year. In this example, the actual figure shows 59 per cent not paying, does that now mean 59 per cent of the workforce to be made redundant (not as many dustbins to empty).

For those 41 per cent of residents who chose to pay, bear in mind that next year when the fee goes up to £36, you will be paying to cover nearly the entire cost of the scheme. Now, I ask, do you think it’s a good idea to remove it from the council tax?

The biggest question of all though, where do you think those thousands of households are now going to put their “brown bin stuff”? I’ll give you a clue, it won’t be taken down to the council skip.

Stephen Preston, Peasey Hill, Malton