I am pleased to hear there is to be a judicial review of the decision to allow 210 houses and 50 care apartments in Kirkbymoorside.

Your report stated that Gladman say that 35 per cent of the houses will be affordable.

This is only what would be required of any but the smallest of housing developments. They are offering no more than they have to.

In the first application they argued that the care apartments fell into a housing category which required no affordable units.

In support of this assertion, they said that Methodist Homes for the Aged would be providing care facilities for residents.

When I contacted Methodist Homes for the Aged they said that while they have worked with Adlington Homes (another part of the Gladman group) twice in a manner respectful of MHA principles, they had no involvement in Kirkbymoorside, nor had Gladman sought any.

Gladman has now submitted an application for 225 houses and no care apartments.

While they will be obliged to provide affordable units, this is a bad place to have them for families.

The site is west of Kirkbymoorside and so is just within three miles of Ryedale School.

I checked with the county council and it confirmed that this means that families would be responsible for the cost of their children’s transport to and from school.

Families on social security benefit or maximum tax credit could apply for assistance, but this means that families could find themselves in a benefit trap – only a small income increase could mean losing their benefits.

Any family housed here will face expenses which would not apply if they were housed on other sites further into the town.

Gladman still offers no more land to the school and the present amount on offer is based only on 15 years’ predicted growth of the primary school (by 62 per cent) with no allowance for increased pre-school use.

Land on offer represents about a 39 per cent increase in the combined pre-school and school site.

Although the increased pupil numbers must mean more congestion, Gladman still want a road junction near the school.

They suggest chopping down the trees as a solution to the parking problem. No offer of their land.

If you are unhappy about this write now to Ryedale District Council and object. The application number is 13/01314/MOUT.

Ann Gray, Kirkbymoorside