May I through your columns thank all those who attended the recent prize bingo at the Ryedale Indoor Bowling Club.

About 120 people crowded into the function room and bar and raised the magnificent sum of £857.

Our thanks go to members and friends who donated prizes, bingo tickets and cakes for the stall, but most of all we thank you, the residents of Norton and district, who showed fantastic support for the club.

We are holding another bingo session on January 25 at 7.30pm.

We will be very pleased to welcome you to that also.

It is good to see the place so full of people again and to have the support of local residents in our efforts to develop the building as a community centre.

The bowling club and the newly formed Ryedale Community and Leisure Centre committee are working together to purchase the building and adapt it for use by other groups as well as promoting indoor bowling in this area.

Once again, many thanks to you all for your support and goodwill.

Susan Harrison, Secretary Ryedale Indoor Bowling Club, Norton