FINANCIAL planner Jeremy Deedes, the man behind the newly-launched Helmsley business Planning for Life, has been made an Associate of the Personal Finance Society.

Planning for Life has been designed to let people fulfil their dreams and ambitions through constructive financial planning, using Jeremy's extensive experience and skills in the field.

Planning for Life uses planning practices well established in America and Australia but still relatively rare in the UK, helping individuals to find ways of achieving their hopes and dreams by organising their finances to ensure a continuous cash flow.

Mr Deedes said: "I am committed to achieving the highest standard of professionalism in the industry through a rigorous programme of ongoing professional development and my aim is now to achieve Fellowship of the Society within the next 18 months."

The Personal Finance Society is the UK's largest membership body for individual financial advisers and was created following the merger of the Life Insurance Association and Society of Financial Advisers in January this year.

Updated: 16:19 Wednesday, July 27, 2005