EARLIER this year a letter from Yvonne Taylor appeared, slamming the rearing of game birds. So I rang her and explained that I am a game farmer and her letter was misguided. I then invited her to come and visit my rearing field and said if she could see anything cruel I would gladly change it. Sadly she declined the offer. She now writes that pheasant rearing is a huge agri-business built on greed and excess. We are still laughing about that.

When I spoke to her she pointed out that pheasants are not natives of Britain and we do not really need them in the countryside.

What is it you want rid of Yvonne - shooters, game farmers or just game birds in general?

Unfortunately, she is paid to protest and write daft letters. Shame she would not come and learn the truth, it might have changed her view. There again, I suspect that truth is the last thing they would base their propaganda on.

Updated: 11:39 Thursday, October 25, 2001