MR Winn-Darley has admitted to disinfecting the dogs taking part in grouse shoots (Gazette & Herald, August 23).

He does not mention which of the many disinfectants he has decided to use. One has to question whether he understands the meanings of disinfection and disinfectant. I quote: "The terms disinfection and disinfectant are applied to procedures and chemical agents to destroy microbes association with inanimate objects" (Smith L A 1995, Principles of Microbiology).

Therefore disinfectants must not be used on any living body. Hopefully, Mr Winn-Darley consulted a veterinary surgeon before deciding to disinfect the dogs. If so he may well have been advised that antiseptic substances such as Hibiscrub are safe to use on animals but they are not anti-viral agents. A medicated dog shampoo would have about the same effect! As it is the foot and mouth virus that is to be destroyed Mr Winn-Darley would be best advised to wash mud etc off the dogs in a bath and then disinfect the water!

If Mr Winn-Darley was hoping to reassure those worried about the risks involved in allowing grouse shooting to proceed, he has failed. It would be encouraging to see a public statement from the RSPCA or a veterinary surgeon advising others not to follow this potentially irresponsible behaviour.



Updated: 10:39 Thursday, September 06, 2001