I DO not need reminders of our lives,

Your empty clothes, abandoned hat and gloves;

They are intruders and the source of grief,

Not symbols of our long- enduring love.

Your watch that beat the precious hours away

Till cruel fate struck and tore our lives apart -

An unimportant trifle; those rich decades

Of togetherness are locked within my heart.

The years of sighs and laughter, hopes and dreams,

Swallowed by the savage march of time,

Have left on me an imprint that will never fade

Of the golden past that was yours and mine.

I still listen for your voice, that sure and helpful word,

Though I cannot touch your hand or reach your mind,

I can follow in the steady path you trod,

I am with you always, darling - just one step behind.

Updated: 12:54 Thursday, January 24, 2002