Silhouettes at dusk, they stand tall

Their immense size, impressing all

Twin towers, reaching the sky

A 'must look', for any eye

Daybreak, the workers arrive

Hustle and bustle, twin towers are alive

From nowhere terror struck

Now we find we cannot look

Horror from a demon power

A plane flew into the mighty tower

And then another to its twin

God give us strength from within

To contemplate this mighty sin.

Suddenly there comes a rumble

The twin towers start to crumble

Crashing down before our eyes

Bringing down their mighty size

And all the workers of the day

Helpless, trapped and worse, they lay

... They once stood tall, in their own lives

Children, grandparents, husbands and wives,

Taken away from their loved ones so dear

Missed too by strangers far and near.

A demonic act of cowardly hate,

Brought innocent people to their fate.

Fight with words and not with lives,

May it be on your conscience, the frightened cries.

In your eyes they come to fall,

But in our hearts, loved ones and the towers will still stand tall.

Updated: 12:34 Thursday, September 27, 2001