The sky was blue with no trace of cloud

As I made my way through the bustling crowd

Then something made me gasp out loud!

Had earth quickened its celestial round

And brought December with a bound -

Had the seasons all turned upside down!

For in the heat of summer's glow

There in a stationer's shop-window

Cold and shivery and deep in snow

Winter's white and sunlight pale

Shrouded trees and hill and dale

On Christmas cards set out for sale.

How lucrative was that holiday

By the sea and sun and sandy bay

For I bought some cards without delay.

Jane and Henry, Tom and Shirley

Each received one, six months early -

In time for the festive hurly-burly!

I sent one off to old Aunt Kate

Saying 'sorry it was six months late' -

Hope she didn't wait long at the gate!

Then I wrote beneath each Christmas rhyme

'A Happy Christmas' the weather's fine,

Having a perfectly wonderful time!

Submitted by Joyce Atkinson

Thorpe Bassett, Malton

Updated: 09:03 Thursday, July 26, 2001