Mrs Ann Hill's beautiful garden in Maltongate was the setting for the mid-summer party held by the Thornton-le-Dale Players.

Every year members and patrons get together for an evening of wine and savouries, but this was the first year the event had been held in the open. The weather was fine and the guests enjoyed taking part in a quiz, arranged by Graham Hunt, in which they tried to identify 60 photographs of famous people, both past and present. Everyone agreed that it was a difficult task, except for Pat Knapton who won the prize with the most correct answers.

A raffle was held with a number of prizes on offer. The most enjoyable evening ended with a buffet supper of dishes provided by the guests. Much interest has been shown in the Players' forthcoming production, but those involved are keeping the details securely under wraps. The only clue we have as to the nature of their show is that it will be a comedy chosen by the producer. This type of play has proved to be the most successful amongst Thornton-le-Dale residents, coming as it does during the cold winter month of November when everyone likes to be cheered up.

For the past four years Graham Hunt has acted as producer, but this year he is handing the task over to Pat Knapton, well known for her many portrayals in past productions. He said that, much as he enjoyed producing, he felt the time had come for someone else with fresh ideas to take over, and he was sure that much will be gained by this new approach. His wife, Ruth, who acts as secretary to the Players said she fully expected him to be involved in the play in some way or other.

Graham is used to working behind the scenes, but this year he thinks he may give in and take an acting part. Born in Wales and educated in York, he has a strong theatrical background, having first taken an interest in acting while at school. Later, when he was working in London, he joined an amateur drama group in Chelsea and took part in a production of 'The Lady's not for Burning' at the Cockpit Theatre in the round.

Together with Peter Pollard and Pat Knapton he recently took part in an early morning programme on Radio York to give publicity to the Thornton-le-Dale Players, who have been going strong for many years.

During last year's production, around 30 people were involved, of which nine were in the cast, the remainder working backstage. Graham expressed his appreciation for a very strong back stage team who are responsible for the scenery, props, costumes etc. But the Players urgently need new members with some acting ability, particularly younger men and women.

A most enjoyable evening ended with a vote of thanks by Doug Gibson, the chairman, to Ann for her hospitality in opening her large garden to members and guests for a most enjoyable evening.

Updated: 11:34 Thursday, July 05, 2001