CHILDREN at the Rainbow pre-school, in Malton, have given a warm farewell to co-ordinator Tina Kelly, who has retired after 15 years service.

Staff and youngsters threw a special party in her honour to mark her time with them, said Miss Kelly.

"The highlight of the last 15 years has got have been last year when we moved to our new premises at Malton Primary School," she said.

"Prior to that we'd been at premises in Rainbow Lane but we were successful in applying for a lottery grant to enable us to move.

"Looking after children is a special job and it is nice to know parents consider you to be responsible enough to look after them.

"I will miss the job but I'll be calling in from time to time to see how everyone is doing."

After 15 years of service, Miss Kelly has reached the stage where many of the children she looked after when she first started are now grown up. "Recently I met a girl I looked after when I started out and she now has her own child which puts it all into perspective."

Updated: 16:56 Wednesday, April 18, 2001