AMBITIOUS plans are on the drawing board to provide the village of Ampleforth with a multi-sports field and children's play area which it is estimated could cost some £250,000.

There is considerable enthusiasm for the scheme following the completition of a major drainage and levelling scheme of a seven-acre field which has been given to provide the facilities, says Ned Gleadow, the chairman of the Millennium Sports Field committee.

Pitches for football and possibly cricket are set to be provided alongside tennis courts, a cycle track, kick-about area and the play area. "We want to unite the village and providing a scheme which will cater for everyone, we are confident we shall do so," said Mr Gleadow, who played a leading part in the restoration of Ampleforth village hall.

A wildlife area is also planned on the prime site which overlooks the Howardian Hills. "It's a perfect area for recreation," said Mr Gleadow.

With Ampleforth's cricket team promoted in the Ryedale Beckett League there will also be a demand for practice nets, he adds. One of the aims is to encourage Ampleforth's fast-growing younger generation to become involved in the sports to ensure there are thriving teamns in the future, added Mr Gleadow.

While the committee has high hopes of winning substantial grants, the village will still have to raise some of the funding, he says. "We have already had a number of events and more are planned."

One of the first parts of the project likely to be completed is the children's play area, says committee member Mary Rayner. Ampleforth has some 120 pupils attending its two primary schools - Church of England and Catholic - plus play and toddler groups. The schools are behind the organisers and now the parish council has pledged its support for the youngsters.

The play area, earmarked for part of the field nearest houses for safety reasons, is likely to cost £23,000. "But we think it will be an enormous asset to Ampleforth and the village is really enthusiastic about the idea," she said.

Last Saturday, dozens of children and their parents turned out to inspect the site and give it the thumbs up.

Some funds have already been raised and the next big event will be a sponsored swim at Ampleforth College's pool.

"The college and the abbey are tremendously supportive of our village and its activities and we are very grateful to them," said Mr Gleadow.

Updated: 09:50 Wednesday, September 04, 2002