CALLS for a crackdown on imports of chicken containing non-poultry proteins

and excessive water have been made by a North Yorkshire County councillor.

Gavin Williamson, who represents the Seamer, Ayton and Crossgates area, has written to DEFRA Secretary of State Margaret Beckett asking for a ban on the proteins being put into poultry products.

He said that a recent BBC Panorama TV programme had revealed that high levels of proteins such as pork were being injected into chicken imported into


"The investigation also found a high level of water being added - up to as

much as 55pc," said Coun Williamson.

"It is important that we not only stop this practice in the interests of the consumer, but also in the interests of the British farmer.

"We are seeing foreign poultry producers dumping inferior products onto the British market by undercutting our producers by up to 50pc."

The move by Coun Williamson follows a motion approved by the county council to end the practice of using non-poultry proteins and the authority itself

is making representations to MPs, DEFRA and the Food Standards Agency.

Updated: 11:26 Wednesday, January 07, 2004