Tha tonned oot sum presents fur Betty, an' wiv a sly gleg at Betty tha sed: "An ' theer's a bit ov cumfurt fur Willie."

We 'ad a neet of 'it. We gat sum yarns sent be t' lads that wad aboot hev meade a gatepost laugh.

When Betty put 'em ti bed she put' a mat doon in t' entrance ti t' tent an' put t' awd dog Rap on 't, an' sed it wad be God help ony body that molested t' ten, or 'em in 't.

Next mornin' t' sun wor up in good tahm, an' we heard sum happy young voices singin', "New every morning is Thy love."

When Betty heard them she wor doon at yance, an' 't wor nut long afoor we were set roond t' teable takkin' wor gru lik' hunters.

Betty knaws how ti keep a bit ov awd ham fur special doos. She 'ad a nice cut cooked, an' we all 'ad sum wiv sum relish.

Updated: 16:35 Thursday, February 26, 2004