Betty sed: "Ah can tell tha, Willie, them lassies enjoy t' smell of turf fires an' hear t' cuckoo callin' wi' mair pleasure than owt tha hev 'ad fur weeks. 'T'll be lik' new liofe tiv 'em."

"Ti hear tha talk, Betty, yan wad think thoo has an idea that sum of the lasses wad mak' land girls."

"Willie, them girls cud deea owt tha set theer minds on. They are nut Miss Nancies, neea good fur owt but pent an' puff. They hev 'had sum grand muthers, who hev fitted 'em fur owt that cam' up, in t' wa' ov beein' useful."

Wiv a laugh Ah sed: "Yan wad think ti hear thoo talk they are angels wi' twa sets of wings apiece."

Ah 'ad ti ton oot t' tent fittin's ti get 'em aired an' sweetened. 'T wor lik' a thorough cleanin' doo. Betty wad hev all tiv her likin'.

Ah sed when Ah saw her cookin': "Thoo'll hev a big job on, Betty, ti get plenty ti fill six mair empty spaces."

Updated: 16:33 Thursday, February 26, 2004