VERA Yorke, one of the country's oldest people, has just two regrets in her life - she would love to have been a professional ballet dancer or a singer.

For Mrs Yorke - who reaches the remarkable age of 106 next Sunday - recalled this week how she and her sister Mabel, who eventually went onto the stage, set up their own entertainment group, The Glamites, and presented their own pantomime when they were unable to go out during wartime because of blackouts.

"We made our own costumes from crepe paper, and I wrote the script, and I remember I played the part of one of the robbers!" she laughed.

But while she did not fulfil her ambition to sing and dance professionally, she became a leading soprano in several choirs in Liverpool, where she lived for many years before moving to Ryedale.

Her talents also extended to playing the violin and piano and, as a member of the British Musical Society, she regularly performed in musical events in Liverpool's Central Hall.

Her husband, Reginald, was a sculptor at that city's Anglican cathedral, while she worked for several companies as a secretary, including in the accountancy department at the famous Liver Building.

Today, Mrs Yorke is a resident at Rockingham House, a residential home for the elderly in The Mount, Malton. She had replacement hip operations at age 100 and, until last August, was able to go for regular walks.

"I used to enjoy dancing and gymnastics when I was young," said Vera whose vivacity belies her 106 years.

"I especially liked doing the Cake Walk dance."

She can still sing childhood ditties she learned as a youngster when her mother accompanied her on the piano.

One of the other loves in her long life has been poetry, and she is still able to recite works of her favourite poet, Longfellow.

Immaculately dressed, with her hair specially coiffured for her celebrations this weekend, Mrs Yorke chats almost incessantly about her life.

After our animated conversation, she smiled when we made our farewells - "Same time next year?" I asked. "Oh, I'm sure," she replied.

Updated: 10:43 Wednesday, April 21, 2004