THE Easter bunny bounced into Helmsley at the weekend to entertain residents and visitors.

Held at Helmsley Walled Garden, the event was organised by Helmsley Together which aims to promote the town and its attractions.

Annika Dowson, from Helmsley Together, said: "We were so lucky with the weather following the rain on Friday the sun shone for us, meaning families were fully able to explore the gardens as well as enjoy the activities that were put on.

"Following the success of last year, lots of families came along and the turn out was bigger than we expected. The weather was definitely on our side. We had families before the gardens opened queuing which was rather exciting."

"We believe we welcomed in around 140 children plus their families. All enjoying, decorating biscuits, glitter tattoos, decorating eggs ready to roll on the final stage of the trail through the gardens, and welly wanging.

"We had some wonderful volunteers who without their help on the day, it wouldn’t have been possible to pull off.

"We can’t forget Benjamin Bunny, who was particularly taken with the gifts some of the children gave him. The smile and ‘awe on the children's faces when they met him was amazing."

Annika added: "Feedback has been great and we are looking forward to working with the Helmsley Walled Garden again next Easter

"June and her team at the garden have been very accommodating, through our planning stages it’s been really interesting to see the time and work that they put in day after day, personally I’m really looking forward to visiting over the coming months to see it’s in its full bloom glory."

"The event really was what Helmsley Together are trying to do, bringing people to Helmsley attractions, be they locals or visitors.

With the discounted admission on the day, it did mean those who didn’t necessarily want to do the trail could still come along, a great opportunity to explore the gardens, many of whom we are hopeful will return.£

Helmsley Together works on donations and grants to put these events. If anyone would like to help for future events either financially or with their time, get in touch atq