Leavening Community Primary and Nursery School held an 'Aspire' week to support the pupils Personal Development curriculum.

Members of the local community were invited to come into school and share their careers, vocation, hobbies and dreams with the children.

Among the aspirational line up were a poet, a sculptor, a female jockey, a racehorse trainer, a radio station DJ, a barrister and an expert in Morse code.

Sian Mitchell, headteacher and leader of Personal Development, said she was delighted with the engagement of both the families of the school and the pupils

"A particular highlight from the week were the engineers with a passion for rocketry. Children started the morning with a live demonstration flying real rockets on the field. After this Chris led a brilliant assembly showing the children how rockets fly. He showed pictures and videos of his time on Top Gear and Blue Peter, finishing the morning with a rocket workshop; where KS2 children designed, built and flew their very own rockets!

Ms Mitchell added: "We know that we have a wide range of skills and talents among our lovely parents, families and community here at Leavening and we want to inspire the pupils to have high aspirations and dreams that they follow. Our Young Leadership team thought it would be fabulous if we could bring the community into our school and hopefully inspire our young minds. So ' Aspire Week' was born and we have been holding this every year. It is a highlight of the curriculum and our children relish in the opportunity to learn a new skill and often, develop a new passion."