A WOMAN who has terminal cancer is organising a variety show to raise money for the charity which has supported her and her family.

Pat Long, who had her voice box removed after being diagnosed with cancer of the gullet in 2007, was told earlier this year that there was a new tumour and that this time it was not curable.

She has since thrown herself in to organising a second charity night for Macmillan Cancer Support, the first, held last year, raised more than £1,000 for the charity.

Pat, 72, who uses an electrolarynx held next to her neck to transform sound vibrations into speech, said: “I am so very, very grateful to Macmillan. They have supported me for 11 years and not just me, but my family as well. They are there for my family whenever they need them.”

Following the success of the event last year, Pat has organised a variety show on Saturday, April 26, at Norton College.

This year, to say thank you to Macmillan again, three generations of Pat’s family are coming together to organise the event, which will see performances from acoustic singers Holly Taymar and Chris Bilton and dances from Dance Expression, David Swann and Sixth Form Boot Kickers.

Ryedale Jazz Band will perform and there will also be a tombola and refreshments.

Sally Millington, local fundraising manager for the area, said: “Pat is a truly amazing and inspirational lady.”

Tickets are £8 or £5 for concessions, by phoning 01944 768500 or from Norton College after the Easter holidays. To donate prizes for the tombola phone 01653 697806.