FOLLOWING a successful debut in the spring, Just Happy To Be Here theatre company is returning to Scarborough Spa on October 3 with a two-handed production by award-winning writer and actress Kay Mellor.

The plays, which were written and set in the early 1980s, are rarely performed, They include Paul, the story of a single mother and her struggle against the system when her son is as diagnosed ESN (educational sub-normal) and does not seem to fit in any of the spaces that are available at the time.

With Kay’s permission, Paul was dusted off and performed last year at a drama festival by Just Happy To Be Here, winning the one-act section. Although the play, which has been used as a training aid for Mencap, tackles a serious subject, it is not without humour and has plenty of pathos.

Meanwhile, Mother Of Mine is a much lighter comic piece, focusing on a dispute between a single mother of three and her teenage daughter.

The company will also return to Scarborough Spa on October 24 with Ladies’ Day by Amanda Whittington, a heart-warming production of four womens’ struggle with work, love and life.

It is just one, long, hard, slog for the fish-filleting foursome, Pearl, Jan, Shelley and Linda.

But their fortunes are set to change when Linda finds tickets to Ladies’ Day at Ascot, the year it relocated to York.

Out go the hairnets, overalls and wellies as the four ditch work, do themselves up to the nines and head off to the races for a drink, a flirt and a flutter. If their luck holds they could hit the jackpot – and more besides.

For further details and tickets, phone Scarborough Spa box office on 01723 821888 or visit