ON Friday evening, I was privileged to watch the 1st Vale of Pickering Scouts Gang Show at the Kirk Theatre, celebrating 100 years of Scouting in Pickering.

The boys and girls, aged between six and 18, are members of either the Beavers, Cubs, Scouts or Explorers. The talented young people entertained a packed and appreciative audience with comedy, singing, music and dancing.

I think that in today’s society we do not compliment or congratulate young people enough on their positive behaviour, but dwell too much on the coverage of the negative aspects of a small minority.

Let us be thankful for the efforts of Lynne and Ray Bowman and the other wonderful leaders who give so much of their time voluntarily. This enables our young people in Pickering to have life experiences that they will remember for the rest of their lives.

Linda Barr, Pickering