I would like to thank everyone who voted for the Green party in the European elections, helping our vote share increase from 5.7 per cent to 8.5 per cent in the region.

This was a much bigger increase than that for the BNP but, very regrettably, it wasn’t enough to keep them out.

The simple fact is that this Labour government has done more to create inequality and entrench poverty, while not providing poor communities with a positive vision for the future.

That is reflected in ordinary people voting for the BNP or refusing to vote for anyone. The BNP won its first seats not because its supporters are all racist, but because many voters feel neglected and let down by the main parties.

The Green Party wins and maintains its council seats across the region by knocking on doors, finding out what problems people have and sorting them out.

We need to reform the entire political system, not just expenses, but also an electoral system that revolves around less than 100 marginal constituencies and “call centre” campaigning.

Instead, all politicians need to get back to face-to-face contact with the public to restore their trust in politics and politicians.

I just wish my party had the resources to reach more people in the region. It’s the only way we can be certain that BNP support will collapse as electors understand the truth about what they are voting for.

Martin Hemingway, Green Party lead European Parliamentary candidate for Yorkshire & the Humber