In answer to the comments from Gareth Lewis in last week’s Gazette & Herald, I would like to make it quite clear that I did not, as he alleged, “take great care to avoid certain of the points” he had raised.

I was merely correcting the rubbish he wrote regarding the BNP’s Euro election poster.

He claims that the BNP is racist and discriminatory. I would suggest that he (and others who make such allegations) look no further than this government and other sections of the establishment for examples of rampant racism.

For example, how, if not racist, can we describe the practice of advertising jobs which are only open to those who belong to certain sections of the ethnic minority communities? This is certainly the case with some police forces and local authorities.

Imagine the outcry if jobs were advertised for “whites only”. Why is it acceptable, for instance, to have a publicly funded body such as the one for “black police officers”? Why not one solely for white officers?

To use the Ghurkas as an example of people who would suffer discrimination under a BNP government is mind-numbingly crass.

This Labour government has treated these brave soldiers with the utmost contempt, refusing them leave to live in the UK and awarding them inferior pension rights.

The BNP does, at least, appreciate what these heroes have done for our country, with one local branch raising hundreds of pounds towards the Ghurka Fund. How much have the main parties done for them?

As for deportations, no one here legally would be deported, but any illegals would be rounded up and expelled, as would any committing crimes and whose original nationality was not British.

Generous payments would be made to anyone of foreign descent wishing to leave the UK, and this would be funded by the billions saved by withdrawal from the EU.

Any wishing to stay will be expected to comply with our laws and traditions, as no changes will be made to these to accommodate those of different faiths or culture.

As to the statement made by our chairman regarding mixed marriages, I cannot comment on something said by another person. I suggest that Mr Lewis contacts Mr Griffin himself, should he be so concerned about the matter.

Finally, as a previous correspondent said, the policies of the BNP are not secret and anyone can see them in more detail on the party’s website.

Trisha Scott, Scarborough and Ryedale BNP