LONG-HELD hopes of building a new sports complex to serve the central Ryedale area are set to take a two-pronged step forward.

Councillors have been asked to set up a working party to explore the potential for developing and managing a sports facility, and to commission an independent feasibility study.

Ben Grady, the community projects officer with responsibility for sport and recreation with Ryedale District Council (RDC), says the working party would consist of representatives of the council, Malton School, and Malton and Norton Sports Association.

He said in a report to the council's community services and licensing committee that a study was carried out five years ago by the William Saunders Partnership.

It focused on a proposed pool and sports centre in Malton, and assumed the closure of the Derwent Pool at Norton.

Malton School governors have told the council it remains committed to the provision of a sports hall and welcomes any support from the community in achieving it.

Meanwhile, Malton and Norton Sports Association which consists of the towns' rugby club, Malton Cricket Club, Old Malton FC, and Malton tennis, bowls and squash club, is also looking to improve its facilities.

Mr Grady said: "Their plans are dependent on the results of a geophysical survey. Their goal is to position all the facilities next to the existing cricket, football and rugby pitches and to create new pitches and courts on farm land to extend the opportunities for their growing junior sections."

The only proposed indoor facilities will be for the squash club.

However, he adds, neither the school nor the association is proposing to develop a swimming pool.

The working party will have a remit to determine the potential for a sports facility in the Malton area, said Mr Grady.

The council has earmarked a £24,000 budget for the study.

Updated: 09:24 Monday, April 12, 2004