BEYOND the realms of dreamless sleep

And the brink of steep decline,

I'll pierce the gloom of eternal mists

and rend the veil of time.

To be reborn in shafts of light

Which gild the fairest dawn,

And live and thrive in foaming brine,

And winds which ride the storm,

And in the gulls' cry, wild and sweet,

Shall I rejoice again

And in the helm that steers the bows

Outside life's troubled main

And there in raven's wings of jet

And the skylark's mirth I'll be

And in the rambling rose who quests

For nought but to be free.

And in magenta sunset's flame

With will of steel I'll lie,

There to rest, but never to sleep,

For love won't let me die.

Submitted by Gillian Walsh, Hawnby.BEYOND the realms of dreamless sleep

And the brink of steep decline,

I'll pierce the gloom of eternal mists

and rend the veil of time.

To be reborn in shafts of light

Which gild the fairest dawn,

And live and thrive in foaming brine,

And winds which ride the storm,

And in the gulls' cry, wild and sweet,

Shall I rejoice again

And in the helm that steers the bows

Outside life's troubled main

And there in raven's wings of jet

And the skylark's mirth I'll be

And in the rambling rose who quests

For nought but to be free.

And in magenta sunset's flame

With will of steel I'll lie,

There to rest, but never to sleep,

For love won't let me die.

Updated: 12:35 Wednesday, April 14, 2004