York is set for mixed weather this bank holiday weekend - while roads and hospital A&E departments will be busy, it is warned.

Daytime temperatures are expected to peak at 19C on Sunday (May 26). However, forecasters say each day will be cloudy, and rain will return on Sunday and Monday.

The Met Office's deputy chief meteorologist, Mark Sidaway said: "The bank holiday weekend will see some sunny spells and it will feel quite pleasant in the sunshine for many on Saturday in particular.

"Sunday and bank holiday Monday will likely see a return to sunshine and showers.

"We are likely to see some heavy, possibly thundery showers on both days, but there should still be some dry spells in between, and in any sunshine it will feel pleasantly warm."


Meanwhile, York and North Yorkshire residents have been warned by the NHS to anticipate a busier period over the bank holiday. York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is urging patients to access the correct services, and ease pressure.

Dr Abbie Brooks, GP partner at Priory Medical Group, said: "The NHS can be particularly busy on weekends and public holidays. It’s important people use NHS resources sensibly and choose the right care, first time.

"This means getting help from NHS 111 for more serious health concerns and urgent injuries, to using local pharmacies for minor ailments.

"We know it can be scary when you feel unwell, and it can feel confusing where to seek advice, but Emergency departments across the region remain extremely busy with long waits – by choosing other health services if it’s not a life and limb emergency and using NHS 111 first, you will greatly help the NHS and those patients who really do need to be in A&E."

The RAC has also issued cautions for traffic levels over the weekend, warning that the country may experience the highest level of journeys on the road since before the pandemic.

Analysis by the RAC says the worst time to travel will be on Friday (May 24) from 8am-10am. They added that the majority of people will use their cars for a day out with friends or family, with a significant amount planning to spend a day in the countryside or by the beach, and slightly fewer travelling for "staycations".