MALTON Town Council is calling for issues over the "outdated and overstretched infrastructure" in the town are addressed before more homes are built.

In response to a consultation on 200 homes on Highfield Meadows, the council is also demanding action on air pollution, insisting that North Yorkshire Council along with the developer and Fitzwilliam Trust submit an air quality impact assessment prior to attending a future Town Council meeting.

The consultation has been launched on plans for new homes and public open space in Malton.

Commercial Development Projects, partnering with the Fitzwilliam Trust Corporation, are seeking feedback on the proposals for around 200 homes on land off Highfield Road, in between Malton and Old Malton, which has been called Highfield Meadows.

Consultation on homes on this site took place in 2016 and these new plans have been amended with less homes and more public open space included as part of the masterplan.

The plans will include over 50 per cent affordable homes for local people, including shared ownership and affordable renting opportunities, as well as opportunities for first time buyers. Car access to the site will be from Rainbow Lane, via Highfield Road.

However, in a statement Malton Town Council said it concerned the 'continued push' for new homes as having on the area.

The statement said: "Malton Town Council is appalled by the dangerous levels of air pollution in Malton and Norton. This is being made worse by the level of traffic, some of it illegally, passing through the towns. Also by the continued push for housing developments which also have a negative impact on an outdated and over stretched infrastructure. Malton Town Council insist that North Yorkshire Council address this matter publicly and immediately. The Town Council request the air quality impact assessment for the site from the developer, prior to them attending a future Town Council meeting. "

Ian Conlan, Mayor of Malton Town Council, saI :

"Town Councillors voted in April to send a clear and unambiguous message to the North Yorkshire Council and the proposed site developer. 200 homes is a huge number after 13 years of development of 650 new homes, without additional infrastructure, onto existing roads and surgeries.

"The new housing estates at Broughton Rise and Linden homes, and other development sites add a third to the population of Malton and Old Malton, from under 5,000 in 2011 to significantly over 6,000 today. Our Town Council has now called time on this, until our pressing concerns on air pollution, traffic and infrastructure are addressed. I am inviting the Leader of North Yorkshire Council Carl Les to come to Malton to meet our residents and town councillors, and see for himself the issues our town faces on a daily basis."

A spokesperson for Commercial Development Projects commented: “We would encourage as many people as possible to take part in the consultation, to let us know what they think about the plans and how the new public open space can be best used.

“These plans will provide much-needed quality new homes in Malton and the affordable properties will allow local residents to get on the housing ladder, and also rent affordably. This site will provide a permanent buffer between Malton and Old Malton.”

Following the consultation process a planning application will be submitted to North Yorkshire Council.