Steve Mason Liberal Democrat Councillor for Amotherby and Ampleforth on North Yorkshire Council writes his first column for the Gazette & Herald.

I have to say it has been an interesting journey in the year since North Yorkshire Council (NYC) was created. Within my ward, many issues come up, from speeding to rights of way access, footpaths to potholes, but the erosion of services within our communities is the most common complaint I receive in my inbox and the biggest issue I, and my wider Lib Dem group, challenge constantly.

In my ward, its deeply concerning that following the closure of Hovingham school, a year later we face the potential closure of St Hilda’s Primary School in Ampleforth. Education is a cornerstone of our community and accessible education should be a right for our children. This loss would be terrible for the local community.

I honestly believe that we must ensure that local schools continue to remain at the heart of our communities. I urge as many people as possible to write to the council to express their opposition to such closures.

Balancing commercial interests with the well-being of our community is paramount.

Over the past year, I have supported the local campaign against HGV movements in Hovingham which is vital to prevent trucks rumbling through Ryedale in the middle of the night and disturbing the peace of residents.

Together these examples are testament to how much people love this area and want to protect it and highlight the need for fairer balance between community and council policy, and the need for political change at North Yorkshire Council. We must make better policy choices for our communities.

Recent successes shows that determination pays off. Active travel safe routes between our towns in Ryedale will be brilliant, and I am proud to have assisted the ‘Paths for Everyone’ project in securing funding to develop a network of cycle and active travel links, promoting healthier safer and eco-friendly transport options.

Advocating for the environment and integrating good progressive policies into the council is especially important. At policy level, I spearheaded the adoption of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into NYC council plan. The SDGs aim to achieve a better and more Sustainable future for everyone.

Why is this important? These goals will help us work towards a better, more sustainable council plan for North Yorkshire that works for us all. We can design policy to people, place and prosperity for the better wellbeing of residents across the county.

As an opposition Lib Dem councillor much of my time is spent on questioning why there has been no feasibility work to dual the A64 to Malton? Why we continually face cuts to valued services? and why Yorkshire Water have still not prevented raw sewage spillages into our environment?

I will continue to advocate for change at NYC and, with your support we can do better for North Yorkshire.

Join us in this mission.