A local approved chimney sweep and installer is urging homeowners who have or are considering installing a stove to heed the official advice.

Greg White of Cleansweep Chimney Sweeping, said with Winter arriving with a vengeance, many people in our part of North Yorkshire will be spending their evenings in front of blazing open fires and wood burning stoves.

He said: "It’s a great way to keep cosy, when the temperature outside drops like a stone, but it is important to stay safe as well as staying warm.

"Using the slogan Burn Better, Breathe Better, scientists at DEFRA are advising homeowners with a fire or stove to check it regularly, sweep it professionally and feed it the right fuels.

Greg added: "Burning solid fuel and wood at home can produce a lot of fine particulate matter. These tiny particles can damage our lungs and other organs which could be harmful to our health.

"Making small changes to how we burn can make a real difference. It can improve the air we all breathe, by reducing the quantity of fine particles produced. It can keep us and our families safe by reducing the risk of chimney fires. It can also make our stoves and open fires more efficient, using less fuel to provide more heat.

“You should have your stove or fire installed by a competent person, certified by HETAS or a similar organisation. You should also check the stove regularly, have it serviced annually and its flue or chimney professionally swept at least once a year. Its also very important to feed it the right fuel. You should stick to the manufacturer’s recommendations for your specific stove, which will usually be to use manufactured solid fuels and/or dry seasoned wood. Burning seasoned wood can significantly increase the heat output, whilst dramatically reducing the amount of tar and pollutants that are produced.”

Greg said: “I would also advise anyone with a fire or stove to ensure they have two relatively inexpensive pieces of equipment. The first is a good quality Carbon Monoxide alarm.

"Carbon monoxide is known as the silent killer, but an alarm could keep you and your family safe. They start at about £25 and the best ones are sealed for life which means they need no maintenance or battery changes during their design life.

"The second bit of kit is a moisture meter, which can quickly tell you how dry your wood is and whether it’s ready to burn. They are simple to use and prices start as low as £20, although it’s probably worth paying a little more.”

To find out more about the how you can Burn Better to Breathe Better follow the link to the DEFRA site at: https://uk-air.defra.gov.uk/library/burnbetter/