Businesses in North Yorkshire have been given support to boost their digital skills.

Two ‘digital transformation days’ took place in Scarborough and Pickering hosted by the York and North Yorkshire Growth Hub.

Around 50 businesses attended the free events and coaches from Google Digital Garage led sessions on both days. 

Harriet Stainton, York and North Yorkshire Growth Hub business relationship manager, said: “We’ve worked with partners from across the region, and beyond, to bring these sessions to local businesses and we’re really pleased with how well they have been received.

"We’re hoping to organise further sessions, in addition to the everyday support the Growth Hub offers through our website.”

Events also included networking opportunities and presentations led by York and North Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership’s low carbon and skills teams.

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Attendee Kate Kench, from Kate Kench Therapy, said: “I am very comfortable with what I do with my business, but I think the marketing and digital elements are not in my skill set.

"The advice I have received has been invaluable.”

Events were held at Scarborough TEC and Pickering Memorial Hall.

For further information about business support in the region, visit the York and North Yorkshire Growth Hub website at: