A popular plan for the construction of a restaurant extension and the demolition of a glass house at Reighton Nurseries has been approved by the council.

The Reighton Nurseries garden centre near Hunmanby was given permission to construct a restaurant and partially demolish an existing glass house.

The plan, which includes the creation of associated car parking, was endorsed by members of the public as well as local authorities.

The applicant, Mr Clark, said that the garden centre had been “greatly improved over recent years” and had identified a need to offer “quality on-site food and refreshment in a pleasant and tasteful environment”.

The restaurant extension is set to be around 13m wide and 12m deep, with the scale, height, and style set to match that of the host building.

It will be located adjacent to the existing building and should be mainly obscured from the adjacent highway of Hunmanby Road by the current glass house, according to the plan.

Documents submitted to the council stated that the proposal would meet a “much-needed demand” from clientele and would improve an “unproductive and unsightly area” of the Nursery.

No objections were raised by the Reighton and Speeton Parish Council, the Highway Authority, or North Yorkshire Council’s environmental health team.

Writing to the council in support of the application, one member of the public said: “An indoor café and restaurant would be a great addition to this amazing nursery.

“We already spend a good long time looking around, so to have somewhere to sit and eat and drink would be a definite plus.”

Another resident commented: “Now the village has lost its pub there is nowhere for people to meet up and socialise.

“This would be a great location and is within easy walking distance from the village.”

Planning officers said that as the café and restaurant would continue to represent a small part of the nursery’s operation, the overall character of the site would not be significantly affected.

However, the authority set a condition requiring that the new facility remain “ancillary” to the main use of the site as a nursery and must not operate as “a separate independent use”.