The deputy mayor of Malton is calling for more police on the streets following an increase in antisocial behaviour and vandalism in the town.

Cllr Lindsay Burr, who is also a member of North Yorkshire Council, is meeting the Police, fire and Crime Commissioner Zoe Metcalfe on Thursday in a bid to resolve the issues.

Cllr Burr, who sits on the North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Panel which holds the Police Crime Commissioner to account, said she had been pushing for a meeting for two years

“I think everyone would agree there needs to be consequences when mindful vandalism takes place.”

"I put forward my concerns to the Commissioner in a zoom meeting in August, but I pressed ahead for a face to face meeting to take place, as we must get some resolutions.

"We need to get a grip on these situations, as things are getting out of hand and could spiral out of control."

Cllr Burr said: “Vandalism is definitely on the increase and we need to get a grip. The perpetrators are getting away with these acts and I feel tougher action is needed.

“As a voluntary Town Council in Malton, we work hard to invest in town and keep improving facilities to ensure Malton is a pleasant place to live, work and play, but we now need more police."

Cllr Burr added: "Residents and business are sick of vandalism and antisocial behaviour.

"However we now also have a new extremely dangerous problem which is getting out of hand and getting worse.

"This is cyclists and scooters constantly travelling at speed on many of our footpaths.

"This practice is frightening, unsafe and quite frankly unacceptable. It has been reported to me several times by residents and also reported that abuse is often hurled at these residents when they ask this practice to stop.

If I were in a position of power, I would invest in more police on the beat as it is a basic right feel safe.

"We need more police on the beat and they need to be visual with in our town."

I hope the commissioner will listen and agree with my suggestions to resolve these serious issues. I look forward to the meeting.