Malton Town Council has a vacancy for a new councillor.

The Council is made up of 12 voluntary councillors which meet once a month to discuss and act on issues that are important to the locality.

A spokesperson said: "Are you passionate about your community? Do you have ideas about how to improve our town, or concerns about a specific issue, and would like to work with other Councillors to help make long-lasting change? Are you willing to listen to fellow Councillors and the wider community and collaborate to make things happen?

"If this is you, then we need you. We need people from all backgrounds and experiences who reflect their community to put themselves forward for a vacancy on the Town Council.

"No special qualification is required to be a Councillor. You do need to be resident in Malton/Old Malton or within three miles of the parish boundary, or own property, a business or work in the parish area. It is important that all sorts of people serve as Councillors to so that all parts of the community are represented. Training for new Councillors is also available to help you understand the responsibilities of the role."

"The Town Council employs a Clerk, Deputy Clerk, Cemetery Manager and contractors. It manages Rainbow Lane play area, Malton and Old Malton cemeteries, sets a proportion of local taxes to be spent in the town, comments on planning applications and run projects that help maintain, improve or enhance the local area. These include Malton in Bloom, green spaces, art and sculpture, street furniture, lighting and CCTV.

"Following recent reorganisation of Local Government and our Town Council achieving Local Government Gold Award status, the first Council to do so in Yorkshire, we increase our eligibility to manage assets currently run by North Yorkshire Council. We are also well placed to influence decisions made by that Council and other bodies that affect our town.

2The Council meets in public once a month on a Wednesday evening. In addition, Councillors may attend other meetings representing the Council, for example acting as a representative on an outside body, community activities or helping develop a new project for the community."

If you would like to know more about the role, please get in touch with the Clerk, Gail Cook, on 01653 609888.

To join the Town Council, please send an email or letter expressing your interest to or post to Malton Town Council, 10-12 Saville Street, Malton, North Yorkshire, YO17 7LL. The closing date is Tuesday, September 26.