POLICE have received a number of reports of cars either being entered and items taken, or attempts to enter cars in the Langton Road area of Norton overnight (Monday).

A spokesperson for Ryedale Police said: "Please report any incidents to us rather than Facebook so we can identify victims and lines of enquiry.

"Please can CCTV/ring door bells etc be checked for any evidence.

"We strongly advise that you double check that your vehicles are locked when not in use. Criminals do walk around residential areas checking car and house doors for any that are insecure. Some unlocked car doors can be identified by the wing mirrors that are not folded in, this is on models where the mirrors fold in automatically when the vehicle is locked."

"As most vehicles have remote locking keys, this can make it easier for criminals to enter or steal your vehicle."

You can take precautions to avoid this:

· When not in use, kept the key somewhere safe in your home, ideally not next to your front door or hung in the kitchen

· The further away your key is from the vehicle the better. This can stop thieves from ‘electronically grabbing’ the signal from outside.

· Keep the key in a ‘Signal Blocking Pouch’, often called a faraday bag.

· Keep house doors locked at all times

· If you have a high value vehicle or work vehicle, then it’s advisable to get a tracker fitted.

For further advice on how to keep your vehicle safe please use this link https://www.northyorkshire.police.uk/cp/crime-prevention/keeping-vehicles-safe/vehicle-safe-and-sound/