Calls are being made for a more visible police presence and extra security cameras to be installed in Malton and Norton following an increase in mindless vandalism.

Councillor Lindsay Burr, Deputy Mayor of Malton and the town's North Yorkshire representative, said she has been contacted by local residents reporting a number of concerns.

One of the latest incidents was a garage in Hawksworth Lane, Malton which was vandalised last week.

Vandals also caused nearly £500 of damage to portable toilets in Orchard Fields on Friday, July 21.

A canister had been sprayed inside and then lit to explode and burn all the toilet paper, causing damage to the bowl and sink. All the paper in each one was flushed or strewn around outside.

Cllr Burr said: "Vandalism is definitely on the increase and we need to get a grip. The perpetrators are getting away with these acts and I feel tougher action is needed.

"As a voluntary Town Council in Malton, we work hard to invest in town and keep improving facilities to ensure Malton is a pleasant place to live, work and play, but we now need more police presence and more cameras to actually catch these vandals and stop them."

Cllr Burr sits on the North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Panel which holds the Police Crime Commissioner to account.

"We are constantly being told things are improving, however after several requests to meet the commissioner, after two years I am still waiting for the meeting to take place to address local problems.

"I have now sent a letter to the Commissioner asking : Why is vandalism out of control and how is it going to be stopped.

"I think everyone would agree there needs to be consequence’s when mindful vandalism takes place."

The Office of the Police, Fire, and Crime Commissioner Zoe Metcalfe said: "Commissioner Zoe welcomes a discussion with Cllr Lindsay Burr about what could be done to address local problems in Malton and support the community to feel safe.

"Understandably acts of vandalism can cause significant distress to communities and those individuals that see things they care about damaged or destroyed, not forgetting the cost of repairs.

"Members of the public are encouraged to share their community safety concerns with Commissioner Zoe and can do so by calling her office on 01423 569 562 or by emailing

"Commissioner Zoe's Office is currently in the process of arranging a meeting with Cllr Lindsay Burr whereby she can raise any concerns or public matters with the Commissioner directly.

"The letter referenced by Cllr Burr was received this morning (07/08/2023) and will be responded to appropriately in due course with the information requested.2