Make Votes Matter North Yorkshire & York will be hosting a street event in Malton this Saturday.

Campaigners will be in Malton Market Place, at the bottom of The Shambles, to discuss voting issues further with the public and to give people the opportunity of signing the petition Less First Past the Post, Not More.

A spokesperson said: "If we care what happens to our county, it’s our responsibility and civic duty to vote! Whether your vote counts depends to some extent on what counting system is used.

"The reorganisation of North Yorkshire County Council would have been the ideal opportunity to change the voting system to a fair, proportional system like Single Transferable Vote (STV) where voters rank candidates in order of preference or the Supplementary Vote System where voters have first and second choices.

"STV is used in Scotland, Northern Ireland, Australia and more; SV is currently used in England for Mayoral and PFCC elections. Sadly, Priti Patel is now seeking to remove SV from mayoral elections to replace it with First Past The Post (FPTP), an undemocratic and regressive measure.

Make Votes Matter believes that voting systems should be fair and that FPTP is archaic and should go."

Campaigners will be in Malton on Saturday, August 12, 12 – 2 pm

The petition Less First Past the Post, Not more can be found at more