A York-based footwear retailer has made a generous £2,000 donation to Friends of New Earswick Pool.

The donation was made through the The Pavers Foundation Foundation's employee-led grant application scheme, which encourages colleagues to nominate causes that are close to their hearts in areas of health, education, and community.

Sally Cox, Senior Graphic Designer at Pavers Head Office, applied for funding to support the local pool, which is currently facing closure if urgent repairs are not made.

She said: “The pool is a valuable community asset, my children have swimming lessons there, along with many of their friends, some of whose parents learnt to swim there when they were children."

Over 950 children, babies, and toddlers benefit from swimming lessons at New Earswick Pool every week.

The pool is currently fundraising for three new boilers, and the Pavers Foundation's donation will match the £2,000 already raised between May and June 2023.

Mike Peters, from Friends of New Earswick Pool, expressed gratitude for the contribution, stating that the funds would help modernise the pool.

The Pavers Foundation plays a significant role in supporting local communities by partnering with small charities and causes.

It has donated more than £1.7 million to date.