Pupils from Thornton Dale Primary School had a blast at their annual two-day festival, known as 'Happy Fest', which focuses on promoting children's wellbeing.

The festival, held this week, saw children engaging in various activities each day that revolved around the '5 Ways to Wellbeing'.

From a silent disco to clay workshops, inflatables, bush craft, archery, rugby, and karate, the students had lots to get stuck in with.

Camarah Mosey, the Headteacher of the school, said: "Happy Fest is a special event for us all at Thornton Dale.

"We really value the importance of children’s wellbeing at our school and hope that our children have made some life-long memories during our Happyfest.

"We have loved involving local businesses this year, showcasing some of the wonderful opportunities that our local area can offer."