Cropton Village Hall trustees have successfully constructed a new addition to the village hall called the "Coronation Terrace". 

Spearheaded by Chairman of the Trustees, Rob Thomas, the project involved a team of dedicated volunteers who worked diligently to meet the deadline of the planned village celebration of King Charles III's Coronation.

The completed terrace offers ample space to accommodate a marquee, which was put to good use during the King Charles III celebration.

The event garnered significant attention, drawing an impressive number of attendees.

Making the occasion even more memorable, former Chairman Dick Feaster delivered a heartfelt speech and proposed a toast in honour of the new King and Queen.

The trustees are optimistic that the newly added terrace will enhance the village hall's amenities and plan to make the venue available for future rentals.

Recent improvements within the hall include the installation of an acoustic ceiling, additional kitchen cupboards, and Wi-Fi accessibility.