A major survey is being launched by 20s Plenty for North Yorkshire to seek residents and road users views.

Everyone from pedestrians to cyclists, motorists to motorcyclists through to people using mobility scooters are being urged to comment on the campaign to reduce speed limits to 20mph in towns and villages.

The survey launch comes ahead of a critical meeting of North Yorkshire Council on June 20 when the county's 20mph speed policy review will be put to authority’s executive.

Ian Conlan, 20s Plenty lead for the area, who is also Mayor of Malton, said: “North Yorkshire is in the bottom two per cent of authorities for people killed or seriously injured on our roads over the years 2015 to 2019 .

“We have launched our own Speed Review on the bid to reduce the speed limit in towns and villages to 20mph and will work with local communities, policy makers and the police.”

“More than 140 parish and town councils across North Yorkshire have pledged support for the growing campaign to make our streets safer,” said Ian.

“The current system of tiny 20mph areas in North Yorkshire is failing our communities, when the evidence clearly points to wide area limits being far more popular.

“We worry that elderly, children and other vulnerable road users are unprotected. Over 60-year-olds face a 50% chance of being killed if they are hit at 30mph.”

Ian, who is also a councillor on both Malton and Norton town councils, added: "Travelling at 20mph would be 50% quieter than 30mph, helping to improve sleep for people living near busy roads and making communities calmer and safer for residents to move around.

“At just £6.50 a head, it will pay for itself in a few months in money saved from fewer residents being killed or seriously injured on our roads and offers huge economic and health benefits,” said Ian.

Schools across the County are also being asked to take part in the survey as well parish and town councils, North Yorkshire councillors, MPs and Road Safety Organisations and other groups.

Mandy Carpenter, Active Travel lead at Malton Primary school and town councillor, said: “Town and parish councils representing 144 parishes have already responded to the 20’s Plenty campaign with support, including Malton and Whitby town councils.

“We see the 20’s Plenty county-wide consultation as having a high profile to bring in views of schools and other bodies as we expect our County Council to do. Our children have made a video on stopping distances. Malton Primary is fully behind 20mph, as the current 30mph works against what we are trying to achieve in encouraging children to walk and cycle to school.”

To take part in the survey go to https://www.whitbycommunitynetwork.org/20s-plenty-for-north-yorkshire-speed-review/