A community clothing bank is opening next week to help recycle and repurpose unwanted clothing and textiles.

The Clothing Bank Ryedale has been set up by friends Linda Shipley and Marnie Jean.

Initially is will operate from Winston Court Community House in Norton, starting on Wednesday, April 19, from 1-3pm and then weekly.

Marnie said: "We are a new project in Norton and Malton and our aims are to recycle and repurpose local unwanted clothing and textiles.

"Did you know 92 million tonnes end up in landfill each year?

"We passionately want to play a part in stopping this.

"Some of the projects we’d like to begin include well-being and art and crafting workshops to revamp and utilise these surplus textiles and clothing - to give them new life, whilst, at the same time, giving and putting these back into our local community."

Linda said the clothing bank was a social project, offering free tea and coffee, chat, activities and a place to donate, swap and collect clothing from their community rail.

"There isn't a clothing bank locally which is why we wanted to set one up to cover a wide area.

"Yorkshire Housing Association have given the room hire for free to set this project off, which is amazing."

The clothing bank is also working in conjunction with Next Steps, Future Intentions Yorkshire and Ryedale Special Families and provides a community clothing rail.

Linda said: "We are now looking for storage in Malton or Norton for the items that are donated and funding to wash the clothing etc so they are clean to give back out.

"At this point we need to get people involved to help out as well."

"This will be a on going project that will be developed in to a charity in time - as fashion designer Patrick Grant from the Great British Sewing Bee, said 'We have enough clothing on the planet right now to clothe the next six generations of the human race'.

For more information on The Clothing Bank Ryedale email lindashipley542@gmail.com, phone 07974743452 or find the group on Facebook.