A PROJECT to capture life in a Ryedale town has seen thousands of contributions from the local community.

In January 2022 Kirkbymoorside History Group launched a project to capture life in the town and the surrounding parish throughout the year.

The group appealed to members of the community to take photographs of everyday life, events and local scenes and to send these in.

Images were then displayed on the group’s Facebook site and, during the Jubilee Weekend in June, photographs from the first six months of the project were displayed for a two-day exhibition in the town’s Memorial Hall.

Steve Peet Chairman of Kirkbymoorside History Group, said: "The Group has been delighted with the response from the community who submitted over 6,000 images by the end of the year.

"At the weekend the group hosted a second two-day exhibition to put on display as many of the pictures as possible.

"The event was a great success with a steady stream of visitors throughout Saturday and Sunday. The History Group is very grateful to all those who took and submitted photographs during 2022.

"We would also like to thank those who visited the exhibition for the very encouraging comments they made in person and on social media and for their generous donations which raised over £200 which will help towards covering the cost of printing all the images. "

Steve said: "The next stage of the project will be to add written details to the back of each picture to inform those who will be looking at them in years to come.

"We will also seek funding to purchase archive quality plastic sleeves that will protect the photographs and then store them permanently in files that will be available to view at future group events. In the immediate future, a small selection will be mounted on the group’s display panels inside Kirkbymoorside Library. Further ideas that the History Group are exploring are to publish a selection of the images in a book and to feature a dozen pictures in our 2024 calendar.2