A NEW choir has been launched in Ryedale to encourage a younger age range to get involved.

The Richard Shephard Foundation and the Ryedale Festival has launched a new primary choir for children aged seven to 11 across the district.

It has been set up following a series of successful music holiday clubs held over the past year.

A spokesperson for the Richard Shephard Foundation said: “Children taking part will attend fun free music sessions (mostly during school holidays), meet and sing with professional musicians, and perform each year as part of the prestigious Ryedale Festival.

“The choir will be led by choral conductor, tutor and musician Caius Lee who leads a number of successful junior choirs.”

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The Richard Shephard Foundation is a charity and holds its clubs in areas of high deprivation or areas that are considered to be isolated from other musical services

You can register your child for the choir by emailing the foundation at info@rsmf.org.uk.

For more information, get in touch with the foundation via its website.