80 PER CENT of drivers were found to be speeding on a main road through North Yorkshire.

Police officers were out this morning (October 17) on the A170, West Ayton, conducting speed enforcement for traffic heading westbound.

The local parish council have a Vehicle Activated Sign (VAS) in place at this location that flashes at speeding vehicles and reminds drivers of the 30 miles per hour speed limit.

According to North Yorkshire Police, the most recent data from a VAS sign near this location monitoring traffic traveling eastbound recorded 80.6 per cent of drivers travelling in excess of the speed limit.

Two drivers were stopped today and reported for traveling at a speed in excess of the 30 miles per hour limit – both drivers had passed the Vehicle Activated Sign ignoring its warning.

Speed Enforcement will continue to be conducted by Safer Neighbourhood Officers over the next few weeks as part of a National Speed Enforcement Campaign.