RYEDALE residents have been invited to an online information session to find out more about a project to repurpose gas wells to heat homes and businesses.

As reported by the Gazette and Herald, The project draws heat from 12 deep gas extraction wells, including one originally drilled for fracking.

Ryedale District Council secured a £50,000 government grant for the work.

Third Energy, which owns the 12 wells in Ryedale, also commissioned investigations to establish if they can be repurposed for geothermal energy to heat homes and businesses.

Residents are now invited to share their thoughts on the plans, by booking a place at an online session on July 28 from 6.30pm to 8pm.

Previous information sessions with Ryedale residents were held at the start of July about the project, which would be the first of its kind.

Cllr Mike Potter, member champion for climate change at Ryedale District Council, said: 

“We are keen to hear what local residents think about the idea.

"This is a valuable opportunity for people to ask questions and find out more.”

Email: info@arch-comms.co.uk to register, stating which event you would like to attend. 

More information about the project can be found online: https://ryedale.commonplace.is/