FOR this month’s feature, Malton Camera Club has chosen its theme of photographs featuring only one person or animal. Club member Tony Horsfield explains why.

“Malton Camera Club is closed at the moment until the covid-19 virus abates, but we are still keeping in touch with each other on Facebook and through our website.

“I have chosen the shots for this issue because they all show only one person or animal and you the reader may also be feeling somewhat alone at this time.

“However, I am sure everyone is trying not to feel isolated by keeping in contact with loved ones, friends and colleagues, helping those who

are unable to get out for shopping

and medicines and generally trying to stay strong until the crisis has passed.

“The shots do not show sadness and hopefully help to cheer you up and look forward to when we can all go out again.

“Best wishes to everyone from Malton Camera Club and I hope you join us on Facebook.”

For more information about Malton Camera Club, go to or on Facebook at