LOOK, no hands! Well, if common sense doesn’t prevail there is going to be no life.

On Wednesday, no doubt to the annoyance of the Fulford Broadway traffic behind me, I refused to overtake a hooded cyclist, who with a wire trailing from his ears to the phone he was fiddling with was wobblingly oblivious to vehicles a mere foot away. His idiocy isn’t isolated. I recently saw a numbskull father doing it with his young son cycling behind him. At one time there was such a thing as cycling proficiency tests undertaken at schools, where a smart metal badge and certificate could be gained. Are these still in existence?

Until the culprits are fined and sent on such a course, I won’t be overtaking them. I don’t want blood on my conscience. Cycles have handlebars for a reason. Please use them before a tragedy occurs that will make victims of us all.

Brian McCusker,

Hartoft Street, York